2024 Fee Structure

To maintain its Federal and State funding category, St John of Kronstadt Academy, like all independent schools receiving Government funding, is required to assist towards Funding via the effective collection of Academy fees. Therefore, it is important that all families abide by the schedule and dates set below. The fee structure is outlined in the table below and to assist families with more than one child, a discount schedule is listed in the bottom half of the table:

2024 Table of Fees

Grade P 1 2 3
Amount $4,250 $4,750 $5,250 $5,750
Sibling Discount 1st Child  2nd Child  3rd Child  4th Child
Percent Nil 5% 7.5% 10%

Fees can be paid using the following bank account details:

Account Name: St John of Kronstadt Academy Qld Ltd
Institution: St George Bank
BSB: 114-879
Account number: 205063662
Reference: Full student name